Kebir Blue Daily Telegraph, Sep 29, 5503 |
International News
The Commonwealth of Pozana army takes full control in La Republica del Salama
Thu Aug 30, 5503 Air Force Attack and Bombing Wing 'Wapen' attacks the city of 'Maryland'
After the attack, the president of La Republica del Salama is reported to have left the country and a new government approved by The Commonwealth of Pozana has been nominated. La Republica del Salama (the attacked country) reports:
- The city of Maryland is completely destroyed.
- There were 67691 casualties and 63083 civilians were wounded.
- Weapons based at Maryland may have
been destroyed.
- The defense was assisted by the Defense Interceptor Wing Ankilia.
The Commonwealth of Pozana (the attacker) reports:
- Air Force Attack and Bombing Wing 'Wapen' lost 10 precision bombers.
- Air Force Attack and Bombing Wing 'Wapen' lost trucks, gasoline and military supplies.
- The attack may have been reduced or eliminated by Anti Missile Missiles and the unit did not receive any ground support.
- 46 soldiers were killed and 90 were wounded.
Declaration of War
The Commonwealth of Pozana has declared war on The Independent State of Sollinga.
Sun Aug 30, 5503 The Commonwealth of Pozana has
declared war on The Independent State of Sollinga. War
will start on June 30 5504.
Declaration of War
NSDAP has declared war on The Republic of Diantha.
Sat Aug 29, 5503 NSDAP has declared war on The Republic of Diantha. War will start on June 29 5504.
Declaration of War
The Commonwealth of Pozana has declared war on La Republica del Salama.
Wed Aug 26, 5503 The Commonwealth of Pozana has
declared war on La Republica del Salama. War will start on June 26 5504.