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Kebir Blue: Sep 19 5450
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New Greenwood Dominion

Score 8901.00 Game Level 3 World Rank 50 Prime minister: Greenwoodempire1 since Aug 5366
Country Flag
War Rank 198
Wars Won / Lost:    0 / 0 
War Score:    0 points 
War Protection:    Secured Mode 
War Experience:    Level 0 
Finance Index 114.00
Cash:    28.82T SC$ Cash Available
Profit/Loss:    9.10B SC$ Total Profit This Month
Total Assets:    58.13T SC$ Total State Assets
Nominal Value 247.38 USD
Population:    40,107,967 Total Population
Migration:    5,970  
Corporations:    44 Number of Corporations
Gold Coins:    Secret 
Show Map

Offensive Army


This is a description of the offensive force of the country. It contains basic figures like the weapon systems and ammunition available.

The offensive army is the main vehicle when you wage war. You must build it ahead of time if you plan an attack on a neighboring country. It will fight against both the defense and offensive force of the enemy. The enemy may be defended by the system.


Review the offensive force of this country.

Offensive Force Statistics
Offensive Force Index  2.02Offensive Force Index
Number of Soldiers  44,060Soldiers in the offensive force
Number of Officers  16,938Officers in the offensive force
Total size of Offensive Staff  60,998Size of the Offensive Force
Year To Date cost of Purchasing Weapons and Ammo  31,359.31M SC$ 
Monthly Running Cost  9,815.39M SC$Cost of the offensive forces
Year To Date Running Cost  85,715.60M SC$ 
Expected Running Cost for the Year  128,573.40M SC$ 
| | Weapon Documentation |
Read about the effectiveness of each weapon

Review the offensive resources of this army.

Resources of your Offensive Forces
Type of Weapon  Active  Inactive  Quality  Ammunition  Available  Quality 
Military Airport  1 -  120 -  - - 
Military Base  1 -  120 -  - - 
Anti Aircraft Missile Batteries  0  280  150 Anti Aircraft Missiles  558  125 
Anti Tank Missile Batteries  0  10  150 Anti Tank Missiles  682  140 
Mid Range Missile Batteries  0  540  150 Mid Range Missiles  1,734  121 
Precision Bombers  0  1,440  300 Precision Bombs  136,438  288 
Stealth Bombers  0  0  120 Laser Guided Bombs  0  120 
Fighter Planes  0  1,680  300 Fighter Missiles  90,753  284 
Attack Helicopters  0  480  300 Attack Helicopter Missiles  9,599  127 
Heavy Armored Vehicles  0  310  150 -  - - 
Heavy Artillery  0  60  150 Heavy Artillery Shells  9,280  122 
Heavy Jeeps  0  0  120 -  - - 
Heavy Tanks  0  0  150 Heavy Tank Ammo  99,941  126 
Long Range Radar Planes  0  0  120 -  - - 
Aircraft Carrier  0  0  120 -  - - 
Navy Fighter Planes  0  0  120 Navy Fighter Missiles  0  120 
Helicopter Carrier  0  0  120 -  - - 
Navy Helicopters  0  0  120 Navy Helicopter Missiles  0  120 
Fleet Command  0  0  120 -  - - 
Guided Missiles Frigate  0  0  120 Guided Missiles  0  120 
Submarines  0  0  120 Submarine Torpedoes  0  120 
Attack Destroyers  0  0  120 Attack Destroyer Torpedos  0  120 
Attack Drones  0  680  300 Attack Drone Missiles  37,856  280 
Seals Units  0  0  120 Seals Ammo  0  120 
Rapid Deployment Units  0  0  120 Rapid Deployment Ammo  0  120 
Special Forces  0  0  120 Special Forces Missiles  0  120 
Land To Sea Missile Batteries  0  0  120 Land To Sea Missiles  0  120 
Transport Airplanes  0  0  120 -  - - 
Supply Ships  0  0  120 -  - - 
Light Attack Boats  0  0  120 -  - - 
Conventional Missile Batteries  0  0  120 Conventional Missiles  0  120 
Land Based Cruise Batteries  0  0  120 Land Based Cruise  0  120 
Cruise Missiles Ships  0  0  120 Cruise Missiles Ship Based  0  120 

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