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Kebir Blue: Sep 19 5450
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The Grand State of Halla maria

Score 5942.00 Game Level 1 World Rank 133 President: Goodly since May 5377
Country Flag
War Rank 184
Wars Won / Lost:    0 / 0 
War Score:    0 points 
War Protection:    Secured Mode 
War Experience:    Level 0 
Finance Index 89.81
Cash:    -2.91T SC$ Cash Available
Profit/Loss:    -1.72B SC$ Total Profit This Month
Total Assets:    20.81T SC$ Total State Assets
Nominal Value 88.55 USD
Population:    27,605,484 Total Population
Migration:    -24,655  
Corporations:    33 Number of Corporations
Gold Coins:    Secret 
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Milford Cheese

Product:     Cheese 
Latest Market Price:  Market Price  3,805 SC$ per ton 
Corporation Type:     state corporation 
Founded:     September 19 5377 
Total Number of Shares Outstanding:     100 Million 
Shares you own:     0 
Percentage of Shares owned:     0.0% 
Estimated Market Value in Gold Coins:     19.31 GC 
Located in:     The Grand State of Halla maria 
Controlled by:     The Grand State of Halla maria 
Public Offering:     perform a Public Offering 
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About Corporations
Manage corporations
Production last month was on target.

corporation sitemap
general data
profit & loss
product offered
trade strategies

General Data
Products Sold Current Month  3,910.77M SC$ 
Cash Available Now  158,935.82M SC$Corporate cash
Products Sold Last Year  46,642.76M SC$ 
Profit Last Year  16,568.58M SC$ 
Net Profit Last Year  8,698.51M SC$ 
Products Sold Last Month  3,932.69M SC$ 
Profit Last Month  1,416.54M SC$Profit
Net Profit Last Month  743.69M SC$Net Profit
Assets  200,575.62M SC$Corporate assets
Market Value  453,776.21M SC$Corporate market value
Outstanding Loans  0.00M SC$Total of loans
Value of Supplies  13,352.78M SC$Value of materials
Production Last Month  462,948.48Production for the month
Production Level Last Month  102.30 %Production Index
Employment Level Last Month  100.00 %Hiring level
Production Process Quality  199Quality Index
Quality of the Product  222.6Output Product Quality
Production Process Effectivity  200Productivity Index
Welfare Index  102.31Corporate Welfare Index
Cash Flow Data
Cash at start of previous month  153,961.83M SC$ 
Salaries Paid  -634.00M SC$ 
Interest Paid  0.00M SC$ 
Country Resources Used  0.00M SC$ 
Fixed Property Cost  -208.06M SC$Fixed Cost
Maintenance Products Bought  0.00M SC$ 
Raw Materials Bought  -704.54M SC$ 
Raw Materials Sold  0.00M SC$Materials Sold Last Month
New Loans Taken  0.00M SC$ 
Loans Paid Back  0.00M SC$ 
Tax Paid  -424.96M SC$Tax payments
Profit Payment Paid  -495.79M SC$ 
Upgrades Bought  -187.48M SC$ 
Damage Repair Paid  0.00M SC$ 
Products Sold  3,932.69M SC$ 
Manual Cash Transfers  0.00M SC$ 
Automatic Cash Transfers  0.00M SC$ 
Income New/Cost of Retracting Shares  0.00M SC$ 
Cash beginning of this month  155,239.70M SC$ 

Share Price and P/E Ratio

Based on last 12 months
Outstanding Shares  100.00M 
P/E Ratio  62.1Price earning ratio
Share Price  4,537.76  SC$Share price
Earning per Share In Recent Period  73.04  SC$ 
Profit & Loss -- Current Month
  Income   Cost  
Products Sold  3,910.77M SC$   
Salaries Paid     633.94M SC$Salary Cost
Raw Materials Used     1,585.53M SC$Cost of Material used
Fixed Property Cost     208.06M SC$Fixed Cost
Maintenance Products Used     70.94M SC$Maintenance Cost
Interest on Loans     0.00M SC$Interst paid
Country Resources Used     0.00M SC$ 
Total:  3,910.77M SC$  2,498.46M SC$ 
Year to Date
Income   Cost  
31,227.68M  20,055.89M 
Last Year
Income   Cost  
46,642.76M  30,074.18M 


Here, you can inspect the loans taken by the corporation.

You have no existing loans.


The current salary index of this corporation is 300.0. The target salary index for this corporation is 300.0.

Current Employment and Salaries in the Company
Occupation   Employees   Estimated employees
at 100% Hiring
Low Level Worker  109,000  109,000  15,900 
Medium Level Worker  112,000  112,000  20,700 
High Level Worker  32,000  32,000  24,000 
Low Level Manager  15,500  15,500  30,000 
Medium Level Manager  11,500  11,500  39,600 
High Level Manager  3,700  3,700  49,500 
Executive  950  950  103,500 
High Tech Engineer  28,000  28,000  39,900 
High Tech Senior  6,200  6,200  63,000 
High Tech Executive  620  620  126,000 
Total:  319,470Number of Employees 319,470   


iMonthly Use and Months in Stock are based on Full Production.
Available Materials and Contracted Services
   Product    Stock (Unit)    Monthly Use    Stock Months    Avg. Quality    Last Price Paid    Market Price
Electric Power    3,787 million kwhs    300    12.6    177    243,784 SC$    123,300 SC$
Factory Maintenance    320 units    103    3.1    181    852,422 SC$    422,800 SC$
High Tech Services    99,231 units    8,000    12.4    179    2,906 SC$    1,616 SC$
Milk    2,577,720 m3s    290,000    8.9    182    4,455 SC$    2,567 SC$
Robotics    1 units    1    1.5    180    433,261 SC$    237,070 SC$
Services    94,870 units    16,000    5.9    176    2,131 SC$    1,231 SC$
Spices    10,430 tons    2,000    5.2    173    35,492 SC$    20,687 SC$

Product Offered

Market Situation for Cheese 
Product Offered but not Sold yet  0.00 
Product in Stock but not Offered on the Market  0.77 
Product Retained Each Month For Contracts  0.00 
Maximum Production Capacity Per Month  452,500 
Estimated Production This Month  452,500 

Trade Strategies

Sale Strategy Start at 213% of the market price and lower by 10% every month that the product remains unsold.
The offered price is updated when the produced quality changes.
Buying Strategy Start at 108% of the market price and increase by 8% every month that the product is not delivered.

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