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Kebir Blue: Sep 19 5450
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The Independent State of Shurika

President: Simcountry  
Country Flag
War Protection:    No war protection 
War Experience:    Level 0 
Finance Index 72.60
Cash:    506.01B SC$ Cash Available
Profit/Loss:    -3.60B SC$ Total Profit This Month
Total Assets:    14.19T SC$ Total State Assets
Country Assets
Population:    30,171,920 Total Population
Migration:    2,979  
Corporations:    23 Number of Corporations
Gold Coins:    Secret 
Show Map

Business Statistics


This document describes companies and their performance.

business statistics
production values

Review the business parameters of this country.

Business Statistics
Business Index  70.43Business index
Supply Index  100.00Supply Index
Consumption Quality Index  160.44Consumption Quality Index
Utilization of Production Capacity  70 %Corporation Utilization level
You can review consumption and stocks of products in this country
change ordered quantities and requested quality of products

Review the trade statistics of this country.

Common Market Score
  Traded Amount   Total Amount   Traded %   Earned Score  
Local Market  
Import  0.00B SC$Import volume last month 74.56B SC$  0.00 %  0Import Score
Export  0.00B SC$Export volume last month 61.90B SC$  0.00 %  0Export Score
Common Market  
Import  0.00B SC$Common market import volume last month 74.56B SC$  0.00 %  0Common Market Import Score
Export  0.00B SC$Common market export volume last month 61.90B SC$  0.00 %  0Common Market Export Score
International Market  
Import  74.56B SC$International trade import volume last month 74.56B SC$  100.00 %  -100International Import Score
Export  61.90B SC$International trade export volume last month 61.90B SC$  100.00 %  -100International Export Score
        ------------  + 

Review the number of corporations in this country. There are National, State and Private corporations.

You can view individual corporations.

Number of State and National Corporations  21Number of State Corporations
Number of Private Corporations  2Number of Private Corporations
Total number of Corporations  23Number of Corporations

Review the number of workers for the corporations in this country.

Employment in all Corporations
Total Employment in State and National Corporations  6,520,853Employees in State Corporations
Total Employment in Private Corporations  570,201Employees in Private Corporations
Total Employment in All Corporations  7,091,054Employees in Corporations

Review the value of production this month in the country.

Production Value of Corporations by Product Group
Food Companies  0.00B SC$Food Production in $E Millions
Mining Companies  0.00B SC$Production in Mining $E Millions
Industrial Corporations  22.96B SC$Industrial Production in $E Millions
Services Industry  0.00B SC$Production in Services in $E Millions
Government Related Companies  4.09B SC$Services to government in $E Millions
Construction Companies  4.01B SC$Construction Industry in $E Millions
High Tech Companies  17.61B SC$High Tech Industry in $E Millions
Utility Corporations  4.45B SC$Production in Utilities in $E Millions
Agriculture  0.00B SC$Agricultural Production in $E Millions
Recreational  0.00B SC$Recreation Services in $E Millions
Defense Related Industries  13.59B SC$Defence Industry in $E Millions
Space Related Industries  0.00B SC$ 
Total for all Corporations  66.71B SC$Total value of Production
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